Our priorities
Ensure Responsive and Effective Local Government
To ensure the efforts of our local government serve to improve the overall quality of life of our residents, the City of Chattanooga is committed to a process of continuous improvement to provide an efficient, effective, innovative, transparent, and collaborative local government, in an equitable manner.

Build a Path to Universal Early Learning
To eliminate gaps in educational outcomes, the City of Chattanooga will invest in creating a path to universal early learning for every child.
Affordable Housing Choices for All Chattanoogans
Every Chattanoogan has the right to a safe, affordable and stable home. The City of Chattanooga will increase the supply of truly affordable housing, ensuring equitable access, through an approach that is practical and tailored to each neighborhood.

Catalyze Economic Vitality in the Black Community
The City of Chattanooga is committed to taking an intentional approach at every level to ensure that Black Chattanoogans can own a home, have a thriving business, and earn a great living.
A Competitive Regional Economy
Wedged between larger regional metros with historically higher growth rates and better competitive positions, the urgency for us to sharpen our competitive advantages has never been greater.

Improve our Local Infrastructure and Public Transit
The City of Chattanooga will make a commitment to renewal by revising operating and capital budgets to reverse decades of infrastructure and transit divestment.
Close the Gaps in Public Health
As a community, we will establish better access to healthy lifestyle resources, increase public trust in emergency services, and eliminate policies that criminalize poverty.